No longer accepting things that have not changed

When there are people stopping the streets, we need to listen.  When mother’s sons are killed by police, we need to act.  When some of God’s wonderfully created people are treated with less love than others, it is time for a change.

I am not prepared to ignore injustice any longer.  Lives matter regardless of skin tone and we all are of sacred worth. Transgender, bisexual, gay, lesbian and queer people are full members of all of society and the church. Discrimination, privilege,  indifference, hate, fear and bigotry cannot be tolerated.  Now it is time to rise up.  Now is the time of change.

This is the season to remember the INCARNARTION. God coming to our mortal existence to change the world.  NOW is the time for change. Sunday December 7 the Walker UMC sermon will be about making change now.  We cannot wait!